Sunday, July 31, 2011

Energy drinks jolt blood pressure, study finds

Print Story: Energy drinks jolt blood pressure, study finds on Yahoo! News

Energy drinks jolt blood pressure, study finds
By Will Dunham
Tue Nov 6, 10:02 AM ET
The increasingly popular high-caffeine beverages called energy drinks may do more than give people a jolt of energy -- they may also boost heart rates and blood pressure levels, researchers said on Tuesday.
The results of a small study prompted the researchers to advise people who have high blood pressure or heart disease to avoid energy drinks because they could impact their blood pressure or change the effectiveness of their medications.
The drinks generally have high levels of caffeine and taurine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like meat and fish that can affect heart function and blood pressure, the researchers said.
"We saw increases in both blood pressure and heart rate in healthy volunteers who were just sitting in a chair watching movies.
They weren't exercising. They were in a resting state," James Kalus of Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, who led the study, said in an interview.
The increases did not rise to dangerous levels in the group of 15 healthy volunteers, whose average age was 26, the researchers said.  But the increases potentially could be significant in people with cardiovascular disease or those taking drugs to lower heart rate
or blood pressure, they told a meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, Florida.
"While the amount of caffeine in energy drinks or coffee may cause a slight and temporary increase in blood pressure, it would have no greater effect than walking up a flight of steps," the American Beverage Association industry trade group said in a statement responding to the findings.
"So singling out energy drinks in a unique manner, particularly when compared to a more commonly consumed caffeinated beverage like coffee, does not provide a full and proper context for consumers."
The products have names like Full Throttle, Amp and Rush. Red Bull, made by Austrian company Red Bull GmbH, is a market leader. Beverage companies market various energy drinks as soft drinks that can boost a person's energy.
Kalus declined to say which brand of energy drink was used in the study. He said the drinks generally contain similar ingredients, adding, "By giving the brand, it would dilute the message that all of these drinks need to be looked at."
Coca-Cola Co. makes Full Throttle.
The study participants were asked not to consume other forms of caffeine for two days before starting the study and then throughout a study in which they consumed two cans of energy drinks daily over seven days. Each can contained 80 milligrams
of caffeine and 1,000 milligrams of taurine.
The volunteers' heart rates rose by about 8 percent on the first day and 11 percent on the seventh day.
Maximum systolic blood pressure -- the top number in blood pressure readings that represents pressure while the heart contracts -- rose by 8 percent on the first day and 10 percent on the seventh day, the study showed.
Diastolic blood pressure -- the bottom number that gives the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats -- rose by 7 percent on the first day and 8 percent on the seventh day.
The study did not identify ingredients responsible for the changes, but Kalus said it probably was caffeine and taurine.
Kalus said the study did not address possible health effects from the way some people consume these drinks, such as mixing
them with alcohol.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Acidity Self Test

Acidity Self Test
Make a mark next to any of the symptoms listed here, if you have them.
Count the total number of symptoms in each category.

The idea is this: the more symptoms, the more acidic you may be, and the more urgent it is for you to begin an alkalizing program.

Beginning Symptoms
Acne Agitation Muscular pain
Cold hands and feet Dizziness Low energy
Joint pains that travel Food allergies Chemical sensitivities to odor,
gas heat
Hyperactivity Panic attacks Pre-menstrual and
menstrual cramping
Pre-menstrual anxiety and
Lack of sex drive Bloating
Heartburn Diarrhea Constipation
Hot urine Strong smelling urine Mild headaches
Rapid panting breath Rapid heartbeat Irregular heartbeat
White coated tongue Hard to get up in morning Excess head mucous (stuffiness)
Metallic taste in mouth

Intermediate Symptoms
Cold sores (Herpes I & II) Depression Loss of memory
Loss of concentration Migraine headaches Insomnia
Disturbance in smell, taste,
vision, hearing
Asthma Bronchitis
Hay fever Ear aches Hives
Swelling Viral infections (colds, flu) Bacterial infections (staph, strep)
Fungal infections (Candia
albicans, athlete's foot,
Impotence Urethritis
Cystitis Urinary infection Gastritis
Colitis Excessive falling hair Psoriasis
Endometriosis Stuttering Numbness and tingling
Advanced Symptoms
Crohn's disease Schizophrenia Learning disabled
Hodgkin's Disease Systemic Lupus
Multiple Sclerosis
Sarcoidosis Rheumatoid arthritis Myasthenia gravis
Scleroderma Leukemia Tuberculosis
All other forms of cancer
Source: Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, 2001.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Blessing Is In The Water: Your Food Pyramid

The Blessing Is In The Water: Your Food Pyramid: "Ask yourself these 20 questions: 1. Upon creation of the earth what was provided for you to drink? Why? 2. Were there any pesticides..."

Your Food Pyramid

Ask yourself these 20 questions:
1.   Upon creation of the earth what was provided for you to drink?   Why?
2.   Were there any pesticides used?
3.   Were the fruits and vegetables fresh?
4.   Were the meats grass fed?
5.   Were animals corn fed?
6.   How long did the people live?
7.   Was the diet an 80/20 alkaline diet? 
8.   Does documentation beat conversation?
9.   Did you know "Hexagonal" water repairs DNA strands?
10. Do you know that energy is the exchange of electrons?
11. Is the water you are drinking alive or dead?  Do you know a meter will show you?
12. Did you know that you are a power plant that produces energy?
13. Did you know without the right water you cannot produce that energy?
14. Did you know that your blood must be between 7.365 -7.5 PH or you die?
15. What happens when I am not drinking water or other drinks that are not alkaline but acid?
16. Do you see any people with skin, aging or bone problems?  Why?
17. Did you know that the brain commands the alkaline to be taken from those body parts to balance the blood ph?
18. Do you know that cancer is the #1 killer of children today?  Why?
19. If you went to a restaurant that advertised pure food--without any minerals--would that be good?  Why?
20. Are you drinking bottled water or reverse osmosis or distilled water that has been stripped of minerals and is acidic in structure?

Acidosis (more acid than the body can process) causes:
Premature Aging
Heart Attacks
Hormone Imbalance
All Forms of Cancer
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Immune Deficiencies
Prostrate Problems

There are three root causes of all diseases:

Dehydration causes enzyme activity to slow down.  It is estimated that 75% of the population is not adequately hydrated.  Less energy is a first sign of dehydration because the cells of the body are the first to lose water.  For every one percent drop of water inside your cells, energy production is cut by 10 percent. Since humans are made up of about 75% water, we have to be sure that we are not losing that vital balance.

Oxidation produces chemicals called "free radicals", causing the body to age, resulting in degenerated organs, bones, muscles, etc.  Free Radicals have been linked to heart and liver disease and cancer.

Why Drink Alkaline Water?
Water is the most essential nutrient involved in every function of the body's 70+ trillion cells. 
Our bodies are composed of 75% water. 
The brain is 85% water.
In order for our bodies to function properly, water must be consumed daily  (your body weight in ounces is recommended.)

Because of its incomparable powers of high hydration, antioxidantion, detoxification and alkalinity properties, Kangen Water® is considered the world's very best drinking water to help restore your tissues and cells properly.  Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Colonoscope Inventor, Author, The Enzyme Factor Page 159.

The SD 501 Ionizer is so effective, it's the ONLY unit approved as a Medical Device by the Japanese Ministry of Health.
(Japanese equivalent of the FDA)!

To learn more about this subject join our blog and subscribe to our weekly newsletter at

To see a demo of what is in bottled water go to
Kangen means "return to origin" and that's exactly what this water does.
Kangen Water® is Loaded with Antioxidants.  Watch the meter on a demo.

Change Your Water.  Change Your Life!  
Research Sites Search for ERW and alkaline water. Discover what pesticides are on your food. Watch Demonstration of Kangen Water®.

What is in your water? Do you really know?

The World Health Organization estimates 75%-80% of cancer may originate in our water. -Forever Living this to see why.

Why does it seem we have more sick people now than we did 30 years ago? Could it be the water?

According to one cancer research site it says: There are about 200 different types of cancer. They can start in any type of body tissue. What affects one body tissue may not affect another. It goes on to say: The immune system: People who have problems with their immune systems are more likely to get some types of cancer.

The body not properly cleaning its cells or washing its cells cannot be as immune as it is designed to be is what the Dr's in Japan tell us. This is why they agree that this water does what is not being done by dead water. watch this again for a basic understanding of what is going on with the immune system.

The research site also says: Cancer-causing substances (carcinogens)A 'carcinogen' is something that can help to cause cancer.
Chlorine as I understand the attorneys is a carcinogen. Bingo for some.

Beware of bottled water! Many brands of bottled water are nothing more than filtered municipal tap water. Tests conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council found about 25% of the bottles tested contained bacteria, arsenic and chemicals that exceeded FDA levels. Environmental-wise, about 38 billion bottles are filling up in our landfills each year and these bottles take 800 years or more to decompose.

We Have A Water Problem! 1 in 5 Americans drinks water that's contaminated with toxins, microbes or other pollutants. -Natural Resources Defense Council

The solution to pollution is in dilution. Drink living water and wash out the bad stuff. Learn how.

For solutions go to and request our weekly newsletter.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease
Ionized, Alkaline water significantly reduces the burden of kidneys. This is important for everyone, but acutely important for those who suffer kidney disease. Kidneys require copious amounts of water for detoxification, yet many kidney patients must limit their fluid intake. What little intake is allowed can be maximized with Kangen Water... consult with your physician.

Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine, Japan

Dr Kerijiroo explains that for severe kidney failure, water intake has to be restricted. However whereas ordinary tap water "contains phosphate, calcium carbonate and the acidic ions. . . . [that] tend to reduce the efficiency of the calcium ions. . . ." he feels that in controlled amounts, Alkaline Ionic water will "strengthen the heart and increase urination."

He goes on to claim that over the next six to twelve months, the patient should maintain an alkaline diet (reduced animal protein) and continue drinking the Alkaline Ionic water to reduce the amounts of urea and uric acid in the blood. He also feels that, through his clinical experience that patients undergoing kidney dialysis should also drink Alkaline Ionic water as well as those patients with kidney disease who do not respond to drugs.

The difference between drinking alkaline ionic water and normal water is that the excretion of urine is slightly more than intake. However, for severe kidney failure patients, water intake has to be restricted. Consuming alkaline ionic water for these patients in controlled amounts proved to be beneficial. Normal tap water contains phosphate, calcium carbonate and the acidic ions. These acidic ions tend to reduce the efficiency of the calcium ions. Pure alkaline ionic water does not have these problems and it can effectively strengthen the heart and increase urination.

After consuming the alkaline ionic water for a month, the amount of urea and uric acid in the blood will show a marked improvement but will not disappear completely. However, if you continue to drink alkaline ionic water for a period of 6 to 12 months, the urea and uric acid should be grossly reduced. Intake of protein during this period should also be controlled; persistent drinking of alkaline ionic water should eliminate the toxic effect of the urea and uric acid from the body.

According to a foreign paper report, patients undergoing dialysis tend to have their negative ions significantly reduced and the positive ions increased. Hence, according to the above experiment and from my personal clinical experience, drinking alkaline ionic water increases the positive ions which will have a significant effect on various kidney diseases. When kidney diseases do not respond to various drugs, it is good to treat them with alkaline ionic water.


I started my ex on this water about 2 months ago. He's been on dialysis for about a year now and this is what he reports. He's not supposed to drink as much as other people...32 oz is what they recommended. He told me that he's noticed a lot of changes since taking the water and is telling everyone about it.

His blood pressure used to drop after dialysis and now it's not dropping as low. He had neuropathy in his feet and he now has feeling in his feet. He has more energy than he used to.


(Articles available online at U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
and Science Direct
http://www. databases)
Ionized alkaline water: new strategy for management of metabolic acidosis in experimental animals.
Ther Apher Dial. 2009 Jun;13(3):220-4. PMID: 19527469 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Abol-Enein H, Gheith OA, Barakat N, Nour E, Sharaf AE.
Department of Urology, El Mansoura Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, 72 Gomhoria Street, Mansoura, Egypt.
Metabolic acidosis can occur as a result of either the accumulation of endogenous acids or loss of bicarbonate from the gastrointestinal tract or the kidney, which represent common causes of metabolic acidosis. The appropriate treatment of acute metabolic acidosis has been very controversial. Ionized alkaline water was not evaluated in such groups of patients in spite of its safety and reported benefits. So, we aimed to assess its efficacy in the management of metabolic acidosis in animal models. Two models of metabolic acidosis were created in dogs and rats. The first model of renal failure was induced by ligation of both ureters; and the second model was induced by urinary diversion to gut (gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss model). Both models were subjected to ionized alkaline water (orally and by hemodialysis). Dogs with renal failure were assigned to two groups according to the type of dialysate utilized during hemodialysis sessions, the first was utilizing alkaline water and the second was utilizing conventional water. Another two groups of animals with urinary diversion were arranged to receive oral alkaline water and tap water. In renal failure animal models, acid-base parameters improved significantly after hemodialysis with ionized alkaline water compared with the conventional water treated with reverse osmosis (RO). Similar results were observed in urinary diversion models as there was significant improvement of both the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and serum bicarbonate (P = 0.007 and 0.001 respectively) after utilizing alkaline water orally. Alkaline ionized water can be considered as a major safe strategy in the management of metabolic acidosis secondary to renal failure or dialysis or urinary diversion. Human studies are indicated in the near future to confirm this issue in humans.


Dr. Horst Filtzer- Cardiovascular Dr. from Harvard

Thoughts on Kangen Water from a Surgeons point of View

Medical conditions that require Fluid Restriction:

• Congestive heart failure

• Chronic renal failure

• Chronic lung disease

The volume of water needs to be monitored. A weakened heart can’t effectively pump blood out of the heart. Fluid restriction reduces the work load. However, sips of water can still be beneficial.

Chronic Renal Failure – Type one Diabetes is the most common cause. Even those with kidney failure can drink Kangen Water, just may have to be a limited amount.

End Stage Renal Disease—must be careful with intake of any liquid. Dialysis or kidney transplant is good answer. Get the amount of allowable daily liquid from the doctor.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who do you know with colon problems?

Do you know anyone having a colonoscopy?

Hiromi Shinya, M.D. Gets 0% Cancer Recurrence Rate
Dr. Hiromi Shinya is the inventor of the colonoscope and the colonoscopic snare that is universally used to non-surgically remove polyps, known worldwide as the "Shinya Method"). He is the recognized leading world expert in gastrointestinal health. He has treated U.S. presidents as well as kings and queens throughout the world. With practices in both the United States and Japan over the past 40 years, he has evaluated over 300,000 colonoscopies/endoscopies.
In Dr. Shinya's best selling book, "The Enzyme Factor,” he states succinctly and unequivocally that “None of my patients have to face cancer again.” He goes on to say that so long as you or I follow his “enzyme factor diet and lifestyle [he] introduces in this book [you can expect] a 0% cancer recurrence rate.”

Nowhere can you find such bold and forthright statements. Furthermore, he says that this “way of life will allow you to live out your natural life span without ever getting sick again.” And I believe him.
These reasons and so many more are why I recommend this book to everyone I meet, everyone I know and every family member I love and hold dear. It’s extreme hope in an often hopeless world. It offers more health and health caring than any person, place or thing that I have ever come across. And yes, he recommends and prescribes Kangen Water™ specifically. Look on pages 7, 94, and 159.
Dr. Hiromi Shinya, M.D., an esteemed medical advisor to Enagic, the Japanese manufacturer of the SD501 Japanese Medical Device (Certified ISO 9001, 14001, and 13485) states: "Kangen Water® is alkaline-rich water (pH of 8 - 9) and is considered the very best drinking water because of it’s incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and antioxidation."

Be sure to look at resource #3.

Al & Hillis Bass – ID# 7261599


(1) 512-505-6833, Option 2 (24/7 5 Minute Overview)

(1) (Pat Boone Video of Water Demo - 23 minutes)

(2) (Japanese TV News Clips of Kangen Water® in Hospitals)

(3) (Dr. Shinya: Disease Directly Related to Colon Health)

For any questions call us at 210-782-9055

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Doctors said "You Have Cancer. You're Going to Die!

“NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment." - Dr. Otto Warberg, 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery.  Here is what I discovered about Kangen water during my battle with Stage 4 Throat Cancer!!!!!  Bill Powers

“You Have Cancer. You’re Going to Die!” the doctors told me. There are no words to describe how it felt when (end of November 08) I was told that I had Stage 4 throat cancer with 3 months to live. Shocked and devastated are too mild. It was as if someone had hit me between the eyes with a brick, made me get back up and then hit me again. With Chemo (5 different types: Cisplatin, Docetaxel, CDDP, Taxotere, 5FU over a 6 month period) and Radiation (32 consecutive days) I would have at best a 50 percent chance of survival. I started Chemo treatment in January, 2009 and was sick from the onset. The anti-nausea medicine made me so sleepy I couldn't function. I developed severe mouth sores, my hair & beard fell out, I was terribly fatigued, food had no taste and starting losing weight (over 60 pounds.) I was only getting nutrients through a stomach tube and liquids through an IV port. But I believe in God's miracles and natural healing, so I used prayer and SEARCHED for natural healing products. In May, 2009, God gave me the answer through my dear friend, Mr. Ed Johnson, who researched natural remedies for me. He introduced me to KANGEN "LIVING" WATER - used in Japan for over 35 years and now available in the USA!!! I purchased the SD-501 Kangen ionic water unit (the missing piece to the natural healing puzzle that I was looking for.) Within 48-hours after drinking the 9.5 pH Kangen water, my mouth sores were totally gone and for the first time in 6-months, I could eat and drink without using my feeding tube and water port.

The doctors were in awe of my progress and they stopped all my cancer medical treatment in June, 2009. At this time, I am maintaining my health with Kangen Water, pure mangosteen juice and a premium-grade multivitamin. THE BIG DAY was December 30, when my radiation oncologist, Dr. McGann, called me about my cancer lab report. The lab result was absolutely ASTONISHING; the biopsies showed NO CANCER. The tumor necrosis was 100%! Also, since I starting drinking Kangen water in June, I have put on 20 pounds and my energy level is almost 100% back.

Yes…I have been blessed with great friends, doctors, Enagic’s Kangen water ….and one Awesome God. There is nothing more important (on earth) to fighting cancer or preventing any other disease than Kangen Water - IT WORKS – I AM LIVING PROOF!!! PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS MIRACLE WATER FOR YOURSELF. Bill Powers, San Antonio, Texas