Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb,”
May Repair and Regenerate Diabetic Liver Function,”
(a Tumeric/Curcumin) Compound Kills Esophageal (Throat)
With the
new emphasis now being placed on Enagic’s “Kangen Ukon™ DD” Tumeric Product and
Program, I am forwarding (below) three recent articles found on the internet
about Tumeric,
the herb
used in Enagic’s Kangen Ukon™ DD Program. The information immediately below
comes from www.ukonawa.com
Ukon, Turmeric
- Very Powerful Antioxidant
- Free of Harmful Chemicals
- Plant Based Vegan Friendly
- Good Source of Omega 3
- Good Source of Minerals
- Very Rich in Curcumin
- Contains Essential
So What
is Kangen Ukon™?... What Makes Kangen Ukon™ so different? What's So Special
about Ukon grown in Okinawa? Only Kangen Ukon™ implements the addition of Kangen
Water®. See the Answers to these questions and an educational 8 minute
Informational Video at http://www.enagic.com/technology_products.php#p=ukonsigma
are 3 Articles I found on the internet. A lot is now coming out on
Tumeric/Curcumin. The use of Tumeric in Asia goes back 6,000 years. It is known
to promote longevity. The
city in
which Kangen Ukon™ is grown and produced is Okinawa, which is known to have the
highest percentage of people in the world who live to over 100 years and
Ukon™ is a Superior form of Tumeric, grown and specially processed in Okinawa
using Kangen Water®.
are links to 3 New Articles found on the internet. A lot of interest and
attention is now being directed to and is coming out on Tumeric/Curcumin. Watch
for it.
500 Reasons Turmeric
May Be The World's Most Important Herb (Click here)
Tumeric May Repair
and Regenerate Diabetic Liver Function. (Click here)
Scientists Say Curry
(a Tumeric, Curcumin) Compound Kills [Esophageal] Cancer (Click Here) http://in.reuters.com/article/2009/10/28/us-cancer-curry-idINTRE59R1E020091028
We have
registered for the NEW Enagic Ukon DD Program, and have sent out information to
all on it in a previous email. The cost of Ukon DD is $58 per box,
vs. $86
per box in the old Ukon XB Program…and the NEW Ukon DD program pays $40 per
point vs. $8 per point in the old Ukon XB program. When you
for the Ukon DD Program, Enagic will automatically cancel for you your Ukon XB
Registration, and Ukon DD automatically qualifies you for SP and D1
without Volume Requirements, as did the XB Program.
person who registers in Ukon DD is sponsored by their current Sponsor in Enagic,
if they have Registered in Ukon DD. If they have not registered,
you may
be sponsored by your own Upline 6A. Contact your sponsor to see if they have
Registered and get their Enagic ID Number to use on your Ukon
DD Order
and Application.
“ (Our new Kangen Ukon™ ID # is )
The Top
Enagic Distributor Romi Verdera, has created an excellent Ukon DD website. See
it at www.ukonawa.com. The
site has a Q & A. At this site, you
click on “Join Now,” or go to http://www.ukonawa.com/join-now/
Be sure
you have your Enagic Sponsor’s Name and Ukon ID #.
tuned for more information. It is Mr. Oshero’s stated goal to grow the New Ukon
DD Company to be as large as Enagic is worldwide. This presents a New
Dimension of Growth and Opportunity to each current and new distributor.
210-782-9055 or 430-558-8009 Email water@loveamericaback.com
For a free e-book go to http://www.thenewwaters.com
Check out what the Doctors are saying: http://thenewwaterscom.blogspot.com
Remember, Kangen Water® turbocharges any supplement or health beverage taken
with it, and races it into the 70 trillion cells of the body within minutes for
immediate bioavailability.