Can you pass a water intelligence test?
Why is this test so very important to you and those that you love and care about? Because your life is dependant upon the quality of water you ingest. Every function of your body works with the right water. All life is born in water. Water is the foundation link to all life. The life is in the blood but without water the blood dries up.
Be wise! Take this water test and see what you really don’t know that you need to know.
These 100 questions can change your life or the life of those that you love and care about.
Hosea 4v6 ..My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
Proverbs 4v7…Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Answers to these questions will be posted at the end of each of 10 questions.
1. What is the molecular structure of water?
2. Can the molecular structure of water change or be changed?
3. How powerful is hydrogen?
4. What is one thing that hydrogen does in the body?
5. How dangerous is oxygen?
6. What is one purpose of oxygen in the body?
7. What is the BAD thing that happens when hydrogen and oxygen are not properly balanced in the body?
8. What are the three root causes of most if not all disease or sickness?
9. What percent water is a baby when it is born?
10. About what pH is a baby when it is born?
Answers for 1-10
1. H2O…2 parts hydrogen -1 part oxygen
2. Yes the molecular structure changes or can be changed.
3. Hydrogen is very powerful for energy and can be very dangerous as well. Bombs are made from hydrogen.
4. Hydrogen supplies energy!
5. Oxygen is very dangerous around an energy source and will cause a fire to really burn.
6. Oxygen causes hydrogen to be burned properly in a balanced structure.
7. When H2O is not balanced it becomes acidic.
8. Dehydration, Oxidation, Acidosis
9. About 90% water.
10. Very Alkaline
11. What pH are most adults when they die?
12. Should you know your pH status?
13. Where are the two best locations to smell the pH of people?
14. What is the first sign of dehydration?
15. What is water percentage make up of most healthy adults?
16. What is the water percentage make up of the brain?
17. What happens to enzyme activity with dehydration?
18. What is the estimated percentage of the population that is not adequately hydrated?
19. What are the chemicals called that oxidation produces?
20. What does oxidation cause the body to do?
Answers for 11-20
11. Acid
12. Yes. Health is found in an alkaline pH.
13. Nursery for alkaline and an old folks home for acid.
14. Less energy.
15. 70-75% water.
16. About 85% water when healthy.
17. Slows down.
18. 75% of the population.
19. Free Radicals
20. Age resulting in degenerated organs, bones, muscles, etc. Free Radicals have been linked to heart and liver disease and cancer.
21. What does “acidosis” mean?
22. What are ten things that acidosis causes?
23. What is the most essential nutrient involved in every function of the body?
24. How often should water be consumed for the body to properly function?
25. How much water should be consumed?
26. How many cells does your body have that need to be fed, washed or cleaned?
27. For every one percent drop of water inside your cells, at what rate is energy production cut?
28. Are you drinking Toxic Water?
29. What’s in your water?
30. What are the three main things that cause water to change structure?
Answers for 21-30
21. More acid than the body can process.
22. Premature Aging; Heart Attacks; Hormone Imbalance; Stroke; All forms of Cancer; High Cholesterol; High blood pressure; Diabetes; Immune Deficiencies; Prostrate Problems
23. The right Water.
24. Daily
25. At least your body weight in half ounces. However, in ounces is recommended.
26. About 70+ trillion cells.
27. 10 percent
28. Yes, if the water comes from your tap, in a bottle or from reverse osmosis, because these waters are acidic. Your body cries for alkaline water that is natural and not made alkaline from chemicals.
29. All tap water contains chemicals, heavy metals, and chlorination that pose health risks. We can filter out these poisons prior to drinking, or we force our body to become the filter.
30. Time, Light (heat) and motion!
31. What chemical do many municipalities use to make their water alkaline?
32. What would acid water do to cities’ pipes?
33. Is chlorine a known carcinogen?
34. Is lye a known carcinogen?
35. What are two properties of cancer?
36. What is hypoxia?
37. What causes the body to heal?
38. What charge is a free radical? + or -
39. What charge is an antioxidant? + or -
40. What does the water property ORP mean?
Answers for 31-40
31. Lye
32. Rust them. Cause them to age.
33. Yes. Google it.
34. Yes.
35. Acidity & Hypoxia
36. Lack of Oxygen.
37. Immune system being in balance.
38. A positive +
39. A negative -
40. Oxidation Reduction Potential
41. What does pH mean?
42. What is the number scale for pH?
43. What number is a neutral pH?
44. What pH should my blood be?
45. What is a 7.25 blood pH called?
46. What happens if my blood pH varies very much?
47. What does the body use to keep the blood pH at the right balance?
48. Where does the body get these?
49. Is blood pH and cellular pH the same?
Do most
US doctors request a pH test for their patients?
Answers for 41-50
41. Potential Hydrogen
42. 0-14
43. 7
44. 7.365 to 7.4
45. Comatose
46. You die!
47. Minerals to turn it alkaline.
48. Tissue and bones.
49. No
50. No. They are not trained to do so as the body adjusts the blood pH, as discussed.
51. What country is #1 in the world when it comes to health, wellness, and longevity?
52. What country spends more money on health care than all the others put together?
53. What is the one of the first things the #1 country checks?
54. Should you check your body’s pH?
55. Should you check your water’s pH?
56. Should you check your water’s ORP?
57. What instrument can be used to check ORP?
58. How do you check pH?
What number does the
US rank as far as health, wellness and longevity with other nations?
What are the first four things that a
US doctor will check on a doctor’s visit?
Answers for 51-60
53. pH
54. Yes!
55. Yes!
56. Yes!
57. ORP meter. We have one at every water awareness demo.
58. pH drops. We have them at every water awareness demo.
th behind
Google it.
60. 1. Insurance card. 2. Blood pressure. 3. Temperature. 4. Weight
61. If you had a fish tank and your fish got sick, what would you do with your fish?
62. What percent of healthcare dollars do most Americans spend after they are sick?
63. What is micro-clustered water?
64. Does water have surface tension?
65. What does water need to hydrate, or go through to hydrate, in your cellular structure?
66. What percentage of most Americans are clinically dehydrated?
67. What must happen to water for it to super hydrate a person?
68. What happens when a person is super-oxygenated?
69. Does water get bigger every day?
70. Are Vitamin C and Green Tea antioxidants?
Answers for 61-70
61. Take him to the vet? No change his water and change the pH.
62. 90% on sick care. Should not be called health care.
63. Water, where the molecular structure is changed.
64. Yes. Ever seen a bug or spider walk on water?
65. Aqua porins.
66. 86%.
67. Must be restructured to go through the cell structure or wall.
68. You have endurance and stamina.
69. Yes
70. Yes Vitamin C is a -50 on an ORP Meter and a properly steeped Green Tea is a -80.
71. True or False. Your thoughts, your electrical system translates, information goes from cell to cell, nutrients move to the parts of the body, the elimination of waste all happen in water?
72. What is hydroxyl?
73. What did Dr. Otto Warburg prove with his two Noble Prizes?
74. Is Dasani made by Coke Cola and is it Houston Tap Water run through reverse osmosis?
Is Aquafina
Corpus Christi’s tap water run through reverse osmosis?
76. Why are the #1 & #2 soda companies in the water business?
77. Are most bottled waters someone’s source water?
78. How long does it take a Dasani type bottle to biodegrade in a land fill?
79. What is the reason for reverse osmosis?
80. What do the Japanese call reverse osmosis?
Answers 71-80
71. True.
72. Water with one molecule of hydrogen cleaved off. One part hydrogen one part oxygen.
73. Dr. Warburg proved cancer, sickness, and disease cannot live in an alkaline environment.
74. Yes. It may also be made in other cities with RO.
75. Yes. It may also be made in other cities with RO
76. High profits by making the public think they are healthy. Not expensive to produce.
77. Yes.
78. 800 years. Sprite type bottle 1800 years.
79. To take out all the bad minerals.
80. Dead Water.
81. Why do the Japanese call reverse osmosis “Dead Water”?
82. Does reverse osmosis take out all the BAD minerals?
Is reverse osmosis banned in
Japan, some of Europe and a few
US states?
84. What mountains does Ozarka come from?
85. Does a sports drink with the word antioxidant on the bottle have to be an antioxidant (have at least a zero or minus 1 charge on an ORP meter)?
86. Will Gatorade always show to be an oxidant and have a high acidic mark on a pH test?
Capri Sun always show to be an oxidant and have a high acidic mark on a pH test?
88. About how many chemicals are found in your local municipality tap water this year?
89. Where do these chemicals come from?
90. True or false. If it’s anti-oxidizing, it’s also anti-aging, it’s anti-inflammatory as well?
Answers 81-90
81. Because all the minerals are taken out. There are no good or no bad minerals in the water. It has nothing of value in it.
82. Yes! Takes all minerals out. Good and Bad!
83. Yes. Because it is dead and has no value in it.
Wood County, Texas but the name sounds good.
85. No. Only has to have an anti-oxidant put into it. Does not have to ACT like an anti-oxidant or show to be one on an ORP meter which would prove it is one.
86. Yes, every one we have ever seen or done.
87. Yes, every one we have ever seen or done.
88. 80,000!
89. Population times medications being taken plus antibiotics in the chicken, cow etc. and the list goes on and on.
90. True.
91. What disease or sickness is the number #1 killer of children under the age of 14?
92. What is the main thing wrong with soda?
93. Does a water bottling company have to disclose how long the water has been in the bottle?
94. Do the chemicals in the plastic of some bottles leach into the water especially if they are in sunlight?
95. Why should a store not keep water in the sunlight?
96. Why can’t you pour bottled water or tap water into a cup and make Green tea?
97. Is there a water that can cut grease?
98. Is there a water that can be used as a disinfectant that will kill topical dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, mersa, H1N1, eColi and others?
99. Is there a water that will kill strep or a sinus infection?
What is the best water on the planet and what will be the next major appliance purchased in the
USA when water intelligence is known by the population?
Answers 91-100
91. Cancer. Major cause acidosis which comes from drinks with a low pH. 2.5 etc.
92. The acid content of the soda and the fact that it takes 20 to 34 parts of alkaline to balance an acid part. The blood will maintain a 7.365 to 7.4 level. The pH scale moves by 10 per scale. i.e. 10 times the last scale. Etc 100 next 1000 next 10,000 next 100,000. It is not that soda and sports drinks are acidic…it is how acidic they are.
93. Not in most states.
94. Yes they will leach. Google it.
95. Because light changes the structure of water. It will get more acidic in the sun.
96. Because they will not hydrate the tea leaf. The molecules are not small enough to do so. Likewise they will not hydrate the body as needed. We have water that will hydrate Green tea without being heated to change the size of the molecules of the water.
97. Yes. 11.5 from an Enagic machine will do so.
2.5 from an Enagic machine will do so and is used to disinfect operating rooms in
No chemical! No risks!
99. Yes. 2.5 will do so. No drug risks! Restructured Medical grade water!
100. Kangen water (which means return to origin). The SD 501 Medical Grade Device made by Enagic.
If your score was not a passing grade we would highly recommend for the sake of your health and those that you love and care about to attend our next “Water Awareness Seminar”. They are Free to attend!
Note: Seminars held at restaurants may require you to purchase a meal.
Our next Schertz Seminars are free and will be held at a Club House. November 3 & 12.
In all your getting get understanding!
We want you to do your due diligence and do some more research to enjoy a long, long life by having water intelligence.
The quality of water you ingest is critical to your life span.
or call 210-782-9055
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements are made to cause you to want to do more research. We have hundreds of more questions that could be asked.