Wednesday, February 21, 2018

33 Reasons You Don't Want to Miss this Demo!

1. Your body is over 75% water. 
2.  Your body has over 37.2 Trillion cells that must be cleaned with properly structured water!
3.  What happens to your body when its cells are NOT properly Cleaned?
4.  Do you know water has different sizes and some water's structure is too large to go into the cell and clean it as the body is designed?
When this happens trash stays inside the cell!
5.  You need to see this happen live for you so your first priority will be to properly clean your cells to stay healthy! 
6.  What is the ph of the water you are consuming?  
7.  What ph must your body maintain to live?
8.  The body must maintain about a 7.35 to 7.4 ph to survive.  
9.  Where does the body get the minerals to maintain this needed ph?  First from fat, then from the bones etc.  Ever wonder why there are so many hip and bone failures in our culture compared to our grandparents?  The alkaline minerals were taken out of them! 
10.  You need to see the ph factor for each drink that you are consuming. It will help you to live a healthy life.  Join us for a demo and see us test these drinks.  
11.  Soda usually test about 3.5 ph which is very very acidic!   It takes about 35 times the amount of 9.5 alkaline water to bring the ph level back to neutral when a person takes a swallow of this acidic drink.  Bingo! 
12.  What is the ORP of the water or drinks you are consuming? It they are found to be a positive on the ORP meter that means that they are causing inflamation, rust, aging, "free radicals" etc.  You will be amazed to see what tap water, bottle water and your drinks read on the ORP meter.  Don't miss this! 
13.  You will want to understand why you want to consume a negative ORP.  Vitamin C as an example is about a negative 50 on the meter.  Green Tea is about a minus 80.  Kale juiced is about a negative 100.  We will show you restructured water with a negative 500-700 ORP.  Extremely healthy! 
14.  You will see some bottled water with a positive 200 to 350 or so.  Some drinks to include Gator-aide to run as high as a 300-500 positive.  Inflammation strives at this level.  
15.  This demo is not only eye opening but life changing in multiple ways. 
16.  Did you know that water changes its structure with heat, movement, light etc?
17.  That's why you usually have to heat water to make green tea etc.  You must change the size of the water to penetrate the tea bags.  Come see us change the size of the water without heating it!  It is life promoting to the bodies' cells! 
18.  Did you know that cancer CANNOT live in an alkaline state?  ph is super important! 
Ref.  Dr. Otto Warburg 1931 Nobel Price for discovering the cause of cancer. 
19.  You will see why Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Colonoscope Inventor states that this restructured water is the very best because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation.  
20.  You will see why Theodore Baroody Author of Alkalize or Die says what he says in his book.
21.  You will see the results of trying to wash pesticides off of your fruit or vegetables fails with tap or bottled water!  What happens to the body when they are NOT removed?
22.  Discover what pesticides are on your food.
23.  Discover why Japan has the longest life span of any nation!  You will see how they clean operating rooms with water and why it works! 
24.  You will see how to disinfect and sanitize with water without any after effects! 
25.  You will how this medical grade device can deliver 5 different types of waters and the multiple uses to include 6.0 used as astringent toner and skin irritations.  
26.  You will see and understand why Reverse Osmosis is not what you want as it removes all minerals in the water and gives you what we call dead water.
27.  You will find this may cause you to ask your friends and family Are you Drinking Toxic Water?  The proof will come from you seeing how and why!  You may become a life saver!
28.  You will come to really understand why water should be our focus when it comes to health.  
29.  You will see how every 1% decrease in the amount of water inside your cells, energy AND BRAIN production is cut by 10%!  The size of your water molecules really matter!
30.  You will see what Acidosis means and what it may cause:
Premature Aging
Hormone Imbalance
High Blood Pressure
Immune Feficiencies
Heart Attacks
High Cholesterol
Prostrate Problems 
31.  You will see clearly that water is the most essential nutrient involved in every function of the body's 70+ trillion cells. 
32.  You will see why changing your water can change your life!! 
33.  You will see how to spot DOA in a minute.
and turn lives around! 
For more information:
Al Bass
210-393-5063  text or call
Demo first Saturday of every month in Garland, Tx from about 1 PM to 4 PM.
No cost to attend.  Just call to have a seat! 

1 comment:

  1. Longview Living Waters
    1 hr ·
